Source code for pyrigi.misc

Module for miscellaneous functions.

import math
from pyrigi.data_type import Coordinate, point_to_vector
from typing import List, Sequence
from sympy import Matrix
import numpy as np
from math import isclose, log10

def doc_category(category):
    def decorator_doc_category(func):
        setattr(func, "_doc_category", category)
        return func

    return decorator_doc_category

def generate_category_tables(cls, tabs, cat_order=[], include_all=False) -> str:
    categories = {}
    for func in dir(cls):
        if callable(getattr(cls, func)) and func[:2] != "__":
            f = getattr(cls, func)
            if hasattr(f, "_doc_category"):
                category = f._doc_category
                if category in categories:
                    categories[category] = [func]
            elif include_all:
                if "Not categorized" in categories:
                    categories["Not categorized"].append(func)
                    categories["Not categorized"] = [func]

    for category in categories:
        if category not in cat_order:

    res = "Methods\n-------\n"
    for category, functions in sorted(
        categories.items(), key=lambda t: cat_order.index(t[0])
        res += f"**{category}**"
        res += "\n\n.. autosummary::\n\n    "
        res += "\n    ".join(functions)
        res += "\n\n"
    indent = "".join(["    " for _ in range(tabs)])
    return ("\n" + indent).join(res.splitlines())

def generate_two_orthonormal_vectors(dim: int, random_seed: int = None) -> Matrix:
    Generate two random numeric orthonormal vectors in the given dimension.

    The vectors are in the columns of the returned matrix.

        The dimension in which the vectors are generated.
        Seed for generating random vectors.
        When the same value is provided, the same vectors are generated.

    if random_seed is not None:

    matrix = np.random.randn(dim, 2)

    # for numerical stability regenerate some elements
    tmp = np.random.randint(0, dim - 1)
    while abs(matrix[tmp, 1]) < 1e-6:
        matrix[tmp, 1] = np.random.randn(1, 1)

    while abs(matrix[-1, 0]) < 1e-6:
        matrix[-1, 0] = np.random.randn(1, 1)

    tmp =[:-1, 0], matrix[:-1, 1]) * -1
    matrix[-1, 1] = tmp / matrix[-1, 0]

    # normalize
    matrix[:, 0] = matrix[:, 0] / np.linalg.norm(matrix[:, 0])
    matrix[:, 1] = matrix[:, 1] / np.linalg.norm(matrix[:, 1])
    return matrix

def check_integrality_and_range(
    n: int, name: str = "number n", min_n: int = 0, max_n: int = math.inf
) -> None:
    if not isinstance(n, int):
        raise TypeError("The " + name + f" has to be an integer, not {type(n)}.")
    if n < min_n or n > max_n:
        raise ValueError(
            "The " + name + f" has to be an integer in [{min_n},{max_n}], not {n}."

[docs] def is_zero_vector( vector: Sequence[Coordinate], numerical: bool = False, tolerance: float = 1e-9 ) -> bool: """ Check if the given vector is zero. Parameters ---------- vector: Vector that is checked. numerical: If True, then the check is done only numerically with the given tolerance. If False (default), the check is done symbolically, sympy is_zero is used. tolerance: The tolerance that is used in the numerical check coordinate-wise. """ if not isinstance(vector, Matrix): vector = point_to_vector(vector) if not numerical: return all([coord.is_zero for coord in vector]) else: return all( [ isclose( coord, 0, abs_tol=tolerance, ) for coord in eval_sympy_vector(vector, tolerance=tolerance) ] )
[docs] def eval_sympy_vector( vector: Sequence[Coordinate], tolerance: float = 1e-9 ) -> List[float]: """ Converts a sympy vector to a (numerical) list of floats. Parameters ---------- vector: The sympy vector. tolerance: Intended level of numerical accuracy. Notes ----- The method :func:`.data_type.point_to_vector` is used to ensure that the input is consistent with the sympy format. """ return [ float(coord.evalf(int(round(2.5 * log10(tolerance ** (-1) + 1))))) for coord in point_to_vector(vector) ]