This module contains functionality related to motions (continuous flexes).
from pyrigi.graph import Graph
from pyrigi.data_type import Vertex, Point
from sympy import simplify
from pyrigi.misc import point_to_vector
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from IPython.display import SVG
class Motion(object):
An abstract class representing a continuous flex of a framework.
def __init__(self, graph: Graph) -> None:
Create an instance of a graph's motion.
self._graph = graph
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} of a " + self._graph.__str__()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
class ParametricMotion(Motion):
Class representing a parametric motion.
:prf:ref:`Continuous flex (motion)<def-motion>`
A parametrization of a continuous flex using SymPy expressions,
or strings that can be parsed by SymPy.
The interval in which the parameter is considered.
>>> from pyrigi.motion import ParametricMotion
>>> import sympy as sp
>>> from pyrigi import graphDB as graphs
>>> motion = ParametricMotion(
... graphs.Cycle(4),
... {
... 0: ("0", "0"),
... 1: ("1", "0"),
... 2: ("4 * (t**2 - 2) / (t**2 + 4)", "12 * t / (t**2 + 4)"),
... 3: (
... "(t**4 - 13 * t**2 + 4) / (t**4 + 5 * t**2 + 4)",
... "6 * (t**3 - 2 * t) / (t**4 + 5 * t**2 + 4)",
... ),
... },
... [-sp.oo, sp.oo],
... )
>>> motion
ParametricMotion of a Graph with vertices [0, 1, 2, 3] and edges [[0, 1], [0, 3], [1, 2], [2, 3]] with motion defined for every vertex:
0: Matrix([[0], [0]])
1: Matrix([[1], [0]])
2: Matrix([[(4*t**2 - 8)/(t**2 + 4)], [12*t/(t**2 + 4)]])
3: Matrix([[(t**4 - 13*t**2 + 4)/(t**4 + 5*t**2 + 4)], [(6*t**3 - 12*t)/(t**4 + 5*t**2 + 4)]])
""" # noqa: E501
def __init__(
self, graph: Graph, motion: dict[Vertex, Point], interval: tuple
) -> None:
Creates an instance.
if not len(motion) == self._graph.number_of_nodes():
raise IndexError(
"The realization does not contain the correct amount of vertices!"
self._parametrization = {i: point_to_vector(v) for i, v in motion.items()}
self._dim = len(list(self._parametrization.values())[0])
for v in self._graph.nodes:
if v not in motion:
raise KeyError(f"Vertex {v} is not a key of the given realization!")
if len(self._parametrization[v]) != self._dim:
raise ValueError(
f"The point {self._parametrization[v]} in the parametrization"
f" corresponding to vertex {v} does not have the right dimension."
if not interval[0] < interval[1]:
raise ValueError("The given interval is not a valid interval!")
symbols = set()
for vertex, position in self._parametrization.items():
for coord in position:
for symbol in coord.free_symbols:
if symbol.is_Symbol:
if len(symbols) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Expected exactly one parameter in the motion! got: "
f"{len(symbols)} parameters."
self._interval = interval
self._parameter = symbols.pop()
if not self.check_edge_lengths():
raise ValueError("The given motion does not preserve edge lengths!")
def check_edge_lengths(self) -> bool:
Check whether the saved motion preserves edge lengths.
for u, v in self._graph.edges:
edge = self._parametrization[u] - self._parametrization[v]
edge_len = edge.T * edge
if edge_len.has(self._parameter):
return False
return True
def realization(self, value, numeric: bool = False) -> dict[Vertex:Point]:
Return specific realization for the given value of the parameter.
realization = {}
for v in self._graph.nodes:
if numeric:
placement = (
.subs({self._parameter: float(value)})
placement = simplify(
self._parametrization[v].subs({self._parameter: value})
realization[v] = placement
return realization
def __str__(self) -> str:
res = super().__str__() + " with motion defined for every vertex:"
for vertex, param in self._parametrization.items():
res = res + "\n" + str(vertex) + ": " + str(param)
return res
def _realization_sampling(
self, n: int, use_tan: bool = False
) -> list[dict[Vertex, Point]]:
Return n realizations for sampled values of the parameter.
realizations = []
if not use_tan:
for i in np.linspace(self._interval[0], self._interval[1], n):
realizations.append(self.realization(i, numeric=True))
return realizations
newinterval = [
for i in np.linspace(newinterval[0], newinterval[1], n):
realizations.append(self.realization(f"tan({i})", numeric=True))
return realizations
def _normalize_realizations(
realizations: list[dict[Vertex, Point]], width: int, height: int, spacing: int
) -> list[dict[Vertex, Point]]:
Normalize a given list of realizations
so they fit exactly to the window with the given dimensions.
xmin = np.inf
xmax = -np.inf
ymin = np.inf
ymax = -np.inf
for r in realizations:
for v, placement in r.items():
xmin = min(xmin, placement[0])
xmax = max(xmax, placement[0])
ymin = min(ymin, placement[1])
ymax = max(ymax, placement[1])
xnorm = (width - spacing * 2) / (xmax - xmin)
ynorm = (height - spacing * 2) / (ymax - ymin)
norm_factor = min(xnorm, ynorm)
realizations_normalized = []
for r in realizations:
r_norm = {}
for v, placement in r.items():
r_norm[v] = [
int((placement[0] - xmin) * norm_factor) + spacing,
int((placement[1] - ymin) * norm_factor) + spacing,
return realizations_normalized
def animate(
width: int = 500,
height: int = 500,
filename: str = None,
sampling: int = 50,
show_labels: bool = True,
vertex_size: int = 5,
duration: int = 8,
) -> None:
Animate the parametric motion.
The width of the window in the svg file.
The height of the window in the svg file.
A name used to store the svg. If ``None```, the svg is not saved.
The number of discrete points or frames used to approximate the motion in the
animation. A higher value results in a smoother and more accurate
representation of the motion, while a lower value can speed up rendering
but may lead to a less precise or jerky animation. This parameter controls
the resolution of the animation's movement by setting the density of
sampled data points between keyframes or time steps.
If ``True``, the vertices will have a number label.
The size of vertices in the animation.
The duration of one period of the animation in seconds.
if self._dim != 2:
raise ValueError("This motion is not in dimension 2!")
lower, upper = self._interval
if lower == -np.inf or upper == np.inf:
realizations = self._realization_sampling(sampling, use_tan=True)
realizations = self._realization_sampling(sampling)
realizations = self._normalize_realizations(realizations, width, height, 15)
svg = f'<svg width="{width}" height="{height}" version="1.1" '
svg += 'baseProfile="full" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" '
svg += 'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">\n'
svg += '<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="white"/>\n'
v_to_int = {}
for i, v in enumerate(self._graph.nodes):
v_to_int[v] = i
tmp = """<defs>\n"""
tmp += f'\t<marker id="vertex{i}" viewBox="0 0 30 30" '
tmp += f'refX="15" refY="15" markerWidth="{vertex_size}" '
tmp += f'markerHeight="{vertex_size}">\n'
tmp += '\t<circle cx="15" cy="15" r="13.5" fill="white" '
tmp += 'stroke="black" stroke-width="2"/>\n'
if show_labels:
tmp += '\t<text x="15" y="22" font-size="22.5" '
tmp += f'text-anchor="middle" fill="black">\n\t\t{i}\n\t</text>\n'
tmp += "\t</marker>\n</defs>\n"
svg = svg + "\n" + tmp
inital_realization = realizations[0]
for u, v in self._graph.edges:
ru = inital_realization[u]
rv = inital_realization[v]
path = '<path fill="transparent" stroke="grey" stroke-width="5px" '
path += f'id="edge{v_to_int[u]}-{v_to_int[v]}" d="M {ru[0]} {ru[1]} '
path += f'L {rv[0]} {ru[1]}" marker-start="url(#vertex{v_to_int[u]})" '
path += f'marker-end="url(#vertex{v_to_int[v]})" />'
svg = svg + "\n" + path
svg = svg + "\n"
for u, v in self._graph.edges:
positions_str = ""
for r in realizations:
ru = r[u]
rv = r[v]
positions_str += f" M {ru[0]} {ru[1]} L {rv[0]} {rv[1]};"
animation = f'<animate href="#edge{v_to_int[u]}-{v_to_int[v]}" '
animation += f'attributeName="d" dur="{duration}s" '
animation += 'repeatCount="indefinite" calcMode="linear" '
animation += f'values="{positions_str}"/>'
svg = svg + "\n" + animation
svg = svg + "\n</svg>"
if filename is not None:
if not filename.endswith(".svg"):
filename = filename + ".svg"
with open(filename, "wt") as file:
return SVG(data=svg)